Monday, June 06, 2005

18 going on...

Ish my birthday, we're gonna party like ish my birthday! yeah! I'm now officially 18, how bout that eh? I don't look like it though, I look 16 or maybe 17. But 18? I don't think so. In a weird way, I feel grown up already. (ahaha) I figured I'm going to change some stuff about my life.
1. Be more lady-like.
Eeew. I know. But I think it's time for a little change on my preference on clothes and grooming myself. All this time I've been for comfortable even if it means Giordano Kids, but now I'll try to dress my age. I got like 3 jewelry boxes last Saturday, with nothing to fill them with. Never been one for accessories nman ako, but now I feel I should but more girly stuff. haha.
2. Change my hair.
Excited about this thing, just have to figure out what style I'll have my hair cut.
3. Walk the talk.
Siga daw ako maglakad. waaaahh. nuf said,
As for deeper changes...
Next time na iyon. haha.
My debut was successful, well atleast for me. The fact that it rained and still more than 20 people came was good enough for me. I feel bad for those who couldnt make it though, it would've been more fun if they were there but I don't harbor bad feelings towards them naman. I just wish they know what they missed. hahahaha. It was only after the party when I remembered those who were supposed to be there but wasn't. I felt a little bummed but I am thankful for those who were there.
Patrick was there.The weird thing was it was if nothing happened, he was even asking if we (Anne, I, Lizer and him) could go to GB3 to continue the night. Wahaha. Who would've thought that we didnt talk for four years before Saturday night? Time does heal all wounds I guess.
Today was uneventful. Aside from my cousins going back to Baguio and grocery shopping, my day consisted of lounging around. Oh well, happy birthday to me. hehe.
If I love you, what business is that of yours?

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